Instructions for taking the impressions of your teeth:
Inside your impression kit, you’ll find 1 set of impression putty mix and your upper or lower dental impression tray. Take the putty out of each container and mix the base impression putty and the catalyst together until you’ve achieved a uniform color. The fastest and easiest mixing action is the bend/fold and knead method. This process should take no more than 45 seconds. Please note that the material will begin to harden if combined for more than 1 minute, so we advise setting a timer.
After you’ve mixed the two putties and achieved a uniform color, form the putty into the shape of a log and place it into your impression tray. As we only need to register the shape and form of your teeth, avoid leaving any excess putty on the outer sections or middle. (Please refer to the photo instruction provided in your kit).
Immediately after inserting the putty into the tray, open your mouth wide. Avoid touching your teeth and insert the tray into your mouth. Once the tray is in the center of your mouth, push it over your teeth with equal force on either side to ensure an accurate impression. Make sure you capture a deep tooth impression past your gum line. Make sure that you hold the tray stable for 3 minutes, avoiding even the slightest movement until the putty has set and feels firm to the touch.
Once the putty has set, remove the impression tray from your mouth using a firm, vertical releasing pull. Rinse the tray under cold water to ensure the set. Do not remove the impression from the tray. Please place the impression tray along with everything else that was in the package into the provided bubble packet and mail them to us using the prepaid post label. This process should take no more than 5 minutes.