Posture and TMJ Disorders: How They're Related & How to Get Relief

Many people who suffer from bruxism don’t realize that there’s often a direct link between grinding and clenching teeth and posture issues. Going a step further, bruxism and TMJ disorders (TMD) are often related as well. If you’re unsure of the root cause of your bruxism or TMD (or both), poor posture could be the culprit. Fortunately, we’re here with solutions.
What Is TMD?
TMD (temporomandibular disorder) refers to issues with the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), which is the joint that connects the skull and lower jaw. It’s easy to miss the connection between posture and TMJ disorders, as symptoms of poor posture often manifest as pain in the back, shoulders, and neck. However, slouching and hunching can affect the jaw area, too.
How Poor Posture Affects the TMJ
Poor posture puts stress on the whole body. It can lead to short- and long-term muscular and skeletal alignment issues that can be difficult to overcome, especially if slouching and hunching become a habit.
When you have proper posture, your spine bears the vast majority of your head’s weight. However, when your head and shoulders are in a forward or downward position, that weight moves to the face and neck muscles. Furthermore, your lower jaw protrudes more than usual, pushing your bite out of alignment. That’s why improper posture and TMJ disorders are related.
How to Get Relief

It can be difficult to correct grinding and clenching teeth and posture issues. Both are often deeply ingrained habits that people do without even realizing it. Of course, the best way to fix posture-related problems is to fix your posture, but that’s often easier said than done.
In this section, we’re going to start by recommending techniques for improving your posture so you can (hopefully) overcome TMD by eliminating the root cause. After that, we’ll tell you about a simple and effective solution that you can use to get relief in the meantime.
1. Be Mindful
The first step is simply recognizing the connection between posture and TMJ disorders. When you notice yourself slouching or hunching, correct your position and try not to revert back to poor posture.
You could also place reminders in areas where your posture is especially problematic, such as where you use a computer or smartphone. You could even do the old trick of tying a string around your finger (or something similar).
2. Strengthen Your Core
Your core muscles help to support your spine. Try strengthening them with exercises like ab crunches, planks, and squats.
3. Stretch Regularly
Tight muscles can lead to and exacerbate poor posture. Stretch the muscles in your neck, back, shoulders, hips, and legs throughout the day.
4. Replace Your Footwear
The link between posture and TMJ disorders goes right down to your feet! That’s right—wearing supportive shoes with low heels (or no heels) can actually help teeth and posture problems!
5. Adjust Your Desk and Chair
When typing at a desk, your feet should be flat on the floor, and your elbow should be bent at a 90-degree angle. Making your setup more ergonomic is an easy and effective way to naturally encourage better posture.
6. Take a Break
Sitting for prolonged periods of time can cause you to start slouching and hunching without realizing it. Get up and move around whenever you feel like you’ve been in a static position for too long. Even an occasional 30-second stretch may help to alleviate and prevent posture and TMJ pain.
7. Set Weight Loss Goals
Being overweight often causes poor posture and puts excessive pressure on the spine. If you could drop a few pounds, use your TMJ pain as an excuse to adjust your diet and exercise habits.
Wear a Custom-Fitted Dental Guard

Improper posture isn’t the only cause of TMJ disorders. From cold weather to your diet to stress, there are many factors that can contribute to both TMD and bruxism. Whatever the cause, wearing custom-fitted dental guards is a simple and effective way to achieve fast and lasting relief.
Don’t let poor posture and TMJ pain diminish your quality of life. Night guards prevent TMJ disorders by acting as a cushion between upper and lower teeth, helping to realign your bite, promoting muscle relaxation, and reducing pressure on the temporomandibular joint and surrounding areas.
Now that you have a better understanding of how teeth and posture are related treat yourself to a custom-fitted dental guard. The ordering process is easy:
- We’ll send you a dental impression kit.
- You take your impressions at home.
- You send the kit back in the included prepaid mailer.
- When we receive your impressions, professional dental technicians will make you a custom dental guard backed by our Perfect Fit Promise.
We’ve helped many people who were experiencing poor posture and TMJ issues. We hope to do the same for you! Place your order today and get the relief you deserve.