Does Teeth Grinding Cause Cavities? Everything You Should Know

Can clenching teeth cause cavities? Although bruxism (grinding and clenching teeth) doesn’t directly cause the formation of cavities, it drastically increases the risk of their development. If you habitually grind and/or clench your teeth, you’re far more likely to develop various long-term dental problems, cavities included. Keep reading for more information.
What Are Cavities?
Before we discuss why bruxism often leads to cavities, let’s make sure we’re on the same page with a quick definition of what a cavity actually is (in a dental context).
Cavities are erosions or holes in teeth. They’re caused by bacteria in the mouth that produce acids that break down and penetrate the tooth’s protective layer, enamel.
How Does Teeth Grinding Cause Cavities?

Technically, bacteria is the actual root cause of cavities, but bruxism makes teeth significantly more vulnerable to them. Here’s why.
1. Enamel Erosion
A cavity occurs when bacteria’s acid erodes a tooth’s enamel. Bruxism also erodes enamel but through friction, not acid. Over time, grinding and clenching weaken your teeth, making it easier for bacteria to penetrate. And, as the layer of enamel becomes thinner, there’s a risk that the next layer below, dentin, will become exposed, causing painful tooth sensitivity.
2. Cracking and Chipping
In addition to wearing down your teeth over time, the constant pressure from bruxism can cause tiny chips, cracks, and fractures in the teeth. Why does teeth grinding cause cavities? Because those damaged points act as entryways for bacteria that accumulate in the crevices and erode into the deeper layers of the teeth, causing cavities, decay, and potentially even dangerous infections.
3. Misaligned Bite
Can clenching teeth cause cavities if you brush regularly? Unfortunately, yes. Even if you maintain excellent oral hygiene, bruxism can cause structural damage to your teeth and jaw, which can lead to a misaligned bite, TMJ disorders, and other unpleasant symptoms.
Also known as a malocclusion, a misaligned bite is when your upper and lower teeth don’t align properly, causing teeth to become crooked and/or crowded. But, why does teeth grinding cause cavities?
Bruxism causes teeth to wear down unevenly, which causes a misaligned bite. A misaligned bite makes it difficult to clean your teeth properly. When food debris and bacteria get caught in hard-to-reach places, and you’re not able to remove them, cavities occur.
4. One Cavity Leads to Another
When oral bacteria thrive, you’re much more likely to develop more cavities. Even if you only have one mild cavity now, there’s a major risk of developing more as the bacteria multiplies and spreads to other teeth, causing a chain reaction.
5. Undefined Pain
Why else does teeth grinding cause cavities? Because bruxism can lead to a variety of painful dental conditions, you may not realize that cavities are being formed until it’s too late. It’s easy to be so accustomed to discomfort that cavities go unnoticed. For example, you could easily confuse cavities with sensitive or cracked teeth, causing them to go undiagnosed and untreated.
The Simple Solution: A Custom Dental Guard

Can clenching teeth cause cavities? As you can see, bruxism can be a major contributor to cavities if you don’t take steps to manage the condition. The good news is that there’s an easy and effective way to get relief.
How does teeth grinding cause cavities if you wear a dental guard? It doesn’t! The dental guard acts as a protective barrier between your upper and lower teeth, preventing the friction that wears down enamel.
Wearing dental guards is crucial for people who have bruxism because the condition is usually involuntary. People who have nighttime bruxism are not able to control their grinding and clenching because they’re asleep. Those who have daytime bruxism grind and clench unconsciously, so breaking the habit is often extremely difficult, if not impossible.
Order a Custom-Made Dental Guard Today
Don’t wait until cavities form to implement a solution! When does teeth grinding cause cavities? It’s impossible to know exactly how long it will take for cavities to develop if you don’t take action, but the risk grows considerably with each passing day. And, even if you get cavities filled, bruxism can damage fillings, too. Dental guards preserve dental work.
Can clenching teeth cause cavities? Only if you don’t wear protection! Clear Comfort Night Guards is a trusted dental lab in Los Angeles. For over a decade, our highly qualified team of professional dental technicians manufactured night guards and other dental appliances for dentists. Now, our direct-to-consumer business model lets you buy the exact same custom-fitted dental guards sold by dentists, but at a fraction of the price!
Why does teeth grinding cause cavities? To sum it up, bruxism damages your teeth and makes them extremely vulnerable to cavities and many other health conditions. Take advantage of our easy ordering process, and purchase your custom-fitted dental guard now!