Can Bruxism Cause Headaches? Exploring the Painful Relationship

Bruxism-induced headaches

Bruxism is a condition that refers to the clenching or grinding of teeth and is experienced by one in three people. Previously, it was thought that Bruxism was only caused because of dental issues and hence, only affected the mouth region, but recent studies have shown a relationship between bruxism-induced headaches.

A large chunk of the population that suffers from Bruxism also experiences chronic headaches, which has made us study the underlying connection between the two. In this article, you will learn about the relationship between Bruxism and headaches, what the risk factors are, and how you can manage both these conditions.

Understanding Bruxism

Bruxism is a parafunctional activity involving excessive grinding, clenching, or gnashing of teeth. It can occur during the day (awake Bruxism) or during sleep (sleep bruxism). While the exact causes of Bruxism remain unclear, several factors have been identified as potential contributors.

These include stress, anxiety, malocclusion (misalignment of teeth), abnormal bite, sleep disorders, and the use of certain medications or substances.

Headaches and Bruxism


The relationship between Bruxism and headaches is a complex one, with multiple factors influencing their coexistence. Here are a few of them:

1. Muscle Tension

One of the primary factors is the increased muscle tension associated with Bruxism. The constant grinding and clenching of teeth lead to the overactivation of facial and jaw muscles, resulting in muscle fatigue and pain.

This muscle tension can radiate to the surrounding areas, including the temples and forehead, leading to tension headaches.

2. TMD

Furthermore, Bruxism can contribute to temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD), a condition affecting the joint connecting the jawbone to the skull.

TMD is associated with pain in the jaw joint, facial muscles, and the head. The combination of muscle tension and TMD-related pain can trigger or exacerbate headaches.

3. Sleep Quality

Another significant factor linking Bruxism and headaches is the impact on sleep quality. Sleep bruxism, which occurs during sleep, can disrupt the sleep cycle and prevent individuals from entering deep, restorative sleep stages.

The lack of quality sleep can result in headaches and migraines. Moreover, bruxism-related tooth grinding can cause tooth sensitivity, which may also contribute to headache development.

4. Shared Risk Factors

Bruxism and headaches share common risk factors, further strengthening their association. Stress and anxiety are known to play a significant role in both conditions.

Individuals who experience high levels of stress or have anxiety disorders are more likely to exhibit Bruxism as well as suffer from headaches.

Moreover, certain lifestyle factors can increase the risk of both Bruxism and headaches. These include smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, caffeine intake, and poor sleep habits. Identifying and addressing these shared risk factors can be crucial in managing both conditions effectively.

Managing Bruxism-Induced Headaches

Bruxism signs and symptoms

To alleviate bruxism-induced headaches, a comprehensive approach that addresses both the underlying Bruxism and the headaches themselves is necessary. Here are some effective management strategies:

1. Dental Interventions

Dentists may recommend the use of mouthguards or splints to protect teeth and alleviate jaw muscle tension during sleep. These oral devices can reduce teeth grinding and alleviate headaches associated with Bruxism. You can easily order teeth guard online.

2. Stress Management

Since stress is a significant contributor to both Bruxism and headaches, adopting stress management techniques can be beneficial. Relaxation exercises, meditation, regular exercise, and counseling are some effective stress management strategies.

3. Sleep Hygiene

Improving sleep quality is crucial in managing bruxism-induced headaches. Maintaining a regular sleep schedule, creating a conducive sleep environment, and practicing relaxation techniques before bed can aid in achieving better sleep.

4. Physical Therapy

For individuals experiencing severe muscle tension and jaw pain, physical therapy can provide relief. Jaw exercises, manual therapy, and techniques such as heat or cold therapy can help relax the muscles, reduce pain, and alleviate headaches.

5. Medications

In some cases, medications may be prescribed to manage bruxism-induced headaches. Muscle relaxants, analgesics, or anti-inflammatory drugs can be prescribed to alleviate muscle tension and reduce headache intensity.

However, medication should be used under the guidance of a healthcare professional.

6. Behavioral Modifications

Modifying behaviors associated with Bruxism can also be beneficial. Avoiding chewing on non-food objects, reducing caffeine and alcohol consumption, and practicing proper jaw and mouth posture throughout the day can help minimize teeth grinding and alleviate headaches.

7. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

CBT techniques can be effective in managing both Bruxism and headaches. CBT helps individuals identify and modify negative thought patterns, manage stress, and develop healthier coping mechanisms.

It can be particularly useful for addressing underlying psychological factors contributing to Bruxism and headaches.

8. Complementary Therapies

Some individuals find relief from bruxism-induced headaches through complementary therapies such as acupuncture, massage, or chiropractic care.

These therapies aim to reduce muscle tension, promote relaxation, and improve overall well-being. However, their effectiveness may vary from person to person.

9. Collaborative Approach

It is essential for individuals experiencing bruxism-induced headaches to work closely with a multidisciplinary team of healthcare professionals, including dentists, physicians, physical therapists, and psychologists.

This collaborative approach ensures comprehensive evaluation, personalized treatment plans, and ongoing monitoring of progress.


The relationship between Bruxism and headaches is a complex interplay of muscle tension, sleep disturbances, shared risk factors, and psychological factors. Understanding this connection is crucial in effectively managing both conditions.

By addressing the underlying causes, such as stress and muscle tension, implementing behavioral modifications, and seeking appropriate treatments, individuals can find relief from bruxism-induced headaches.

If you experience Bruxism and chronic headaches, consult with your healthcare professional to determine the most suitable management strategies for your specific needs. If you are recommended a night guard, browse through Clear Comfort Night Guards and find a night guard for sale!


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Clear Comfort Night Guards dental lab is located in Los Angeles County, California. Our lab has been servicing dentists for over 10 years by delivering thousands of perfectly fitted custom night guards, dentures, crowns, bridges, and other dental appliances.

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