10 Ways To Optimize Your Oral Health In 2023!

10 Ways To Optimize Your Oral Health In 2023!

Your oral health provides clues about your overall health — yes, issues in your mouth may affect the rest of your body.

Similar to other parts of the body, your mouth teems with bacteria, which is mostly innocuous. However, mouths are the entry point to respiratory and digestive tracts, and some of these bacteria may lead to disease.

Normally the body’s good oral healthcare (such as daily flossing and brushing) and natural defenses keep bacteria under control. However, without proper oral hygiene, bacteria may multiply and cause oral infections like gum disease and tooth decay.

Plus, certain medications like antidepressants, diuretics, painkillers, antihistamines, and decongestants may reduce the flow of saliva. Saliva doesn’t just wash away food but neutralizes acids that bacteria produce in the mouth, which can help safeguard you from microbes that multiply and cause disease.

Oral bacteria and periodontitis (a serious form of gum disease) may play a role in certain diseases — and diseases like HIV/AIDs and diabetes may lower the body’s resistance to infection, which can worsen oral health issues.

As a leading provider of dentist recommended night guards, we discuss some ways to optimize your oral health in 2023:

1. Wash your toothbrush container

Did you recently give your toothbrush holder a decent scrubbing? Well, we doubt it.

Your container doesn’t just hold your brush; it also holds onto numerous germs that occupy your bathroom. According to the National Sanitation Foundation, toothbrush holders are one of the three germiest household items, accompanied by the kitchen sink and dish sponge.

So, wash your toothbrush holder with soap in hot water, or run it through the dishwasher, then use a disinfecting wipe at least once a week.

2. Eat teeth-whitening foods

Do you know that some foods can actually help keep your teeth white?

Fibrous, coarse, raw foods — like lettuce, carrots, pears, apples, cucumbers, and celery help scrub tooth surfaces and get rid of some of the accumulated plaque, which can make teeth appear yellow.

a woman smiling

In addition, crunchy foods involve more chewing time, thereby stimulating saliva and helping neutralize acids that can wear down your teeth.

3. Avoid sugary drinks

While your diet should never contain excess amounts of sugary drinks, if you’re still going to have a beverage like sweet tea, soda, or coffee with cream and sugar, it’s better to drink it all at once instead of sipping it throughout the day.

If you constantly consume sugar, certain bacteria can use that sugar as a food source and metabolize it into lactic acid. This acid begins to dissolve the minerals in your teeth, forming cavities.

4. Don’t brush too frequently

Some people recommend brushing after every meal. However, brushing too frequently may damage the enamel on your teeth as well as your gums. For this reason, brushing twice is day is sufficient.

If you want to clean your mouth after every meal, rinse it with plain water. Swish vigorously to force the liquid between the teeth to dislodge any food particles.

5. Snap a video selfie

While it may feel silly, filming your toothbrushing sessions may help improve your technique.

In a study, participants filmed themselves brushing their teeth to set a baseline. Pointers and demonstrations were given to them until they understood the right technique. For two weeks, they recorded themselves while brushing using their smartphones, propped on a stand.

Once the study was done, researchers found that the number of brush strokes and accuracy increased though the participants brushed for the same amount of time. Thus, improvements in toothbrushing skills were witnessed.

a woman getting her teeth checked

When you record yourself brushing, you can become more aware of what you’re doing. Also, you’ll perform better knowing that you’re in front of the camera. You can see the footage later and determine where you need to improve.

6. Add mouthwash and gum to your routine

If you’re flossing and brushing twice a day, you may feel you’re doing enough. However, you should also rinse with an antimicrobial mouthwash afterward to kill more oral bacteria, which can help you fight plaque. Swish vigorously for half a minute twice a day after you brush and floss.

Chewing gum is another recommendation. Sugar-free gum may help reduce the number of bacteria in your mouth, stimulating salivary flow, which washes the teeth with phosphate and calcium ions that help replenish enamel.

7. Begin by brushing the back

This will help you clean hard-to-reach spots, which is crucial because all of those hard-to-reach places in your molars make them more vulnerable to cavities and gum disease.

One good way to give the back of your mouth the attention it deserves is to begin your brushing routine in the rear (sometimes at least). Every time you brush your teeth, start in the upper right side in the back. Also, follow the same method always, so you know you’re not missing any spots.

8. Go for a soft-bristled brush

You should change your brush every 2-3 months (sooner if the bristles are frayed). However, if you’re using a hard brush, replace it now. While firm and medium-bristled toothbrushes can leave your teeth feeling cleaner, they can be extremely abrasive — and may be harmful in the long run.

a woman in floral dress smiling

Many people wouldn’t have any issue with a soft-bristled brush. Plus, there’s no need to brush vigorously — it’s not good for your gums or teeth. Instead, apply pressure gently — tilt the brush at an angle of 45 degrees against the gum line and brush in a circular, short motion.

9. Wait before you brush

If you start your morning off with a glass of orange juice, don’t brush for a while afterward.

Acidic foods — food and drinks with a low pH — soften your teeth’s enamel temporarily. If you follow up with brushing instantly, the action may remove some of the enamel, making your teeth susceptible to decay over time.

So, delay brushing after you have had wine, soda, tomatoes, as well as citrus fruits and juices. According to a study, people who brushed 30-60 minutes after drinking soda had less wear on their teeth than those who brushed sooner.

10. Order a night guard online from Clear Comfort Night Guards and wear them before you sleep

A night guard does watch over your teeth while you sleep — it’s a dental device that offers a protective barrier between your upper and lower teeth. Most dentists prescribe or recommend dental night guards to help reduce the negative effects of bruxism.

Clear Comfort Night Guards offer ultra-thin, durable, and soft custom-made night guards made by highly trained dental technicians to suit the varying needs of our customers. Our night guards help with teeth grinding and issues like headaches, TMJ relief, and tooth damage.

So, shop night teeth guard against us and start prioritizing your oral health; our night guards also protect your crowns, veneers, and dental works.

Visit our website now for more information!

Clear Comfort Night Guards

About Us

Clear Comfort Night Guards dental lab is located in Los Angeles County, California. Our lab has been servicing dentists for over 10 years by delivering thousands of perfectly fitted custom night guards, dentures, crowns, bridges, and other dental appliances.

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